On February 1, our lake was fortunate (luck is more the word) to host the Michigan Outdoor
Writers Association. We were the only ones to have good ice. We received a letter from Chuck Stafford, who hosted the event,
thanking us for our kindness.
Also included in the group were professionals Tommy Skarlis and Chip Leer, seminar instructors
in ice fishing and also writers for In-Fisherman. Chuck, Tommy and Chip came over Friday to get my insights on where
they should try fishing Saturday. Also Chip asked if I had a Hydrographic Map of the lake. The only one I had available was
in the report from W.S.C.C.'s Dr. Helal.
Chip read the report from cover to cover and was very impressed what our association and
W.S.C.C. have accomplished in our lake study. The outing was to last from 9 am. to 12 noon but some stayed until 3 p.m. because
of a nice warm sunny day and catching lots of fish.