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2002: Year of the Minnow
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.....or just a guy who owns a boat?


A beautiful lake - a beautiful boat - perfect weather! Of course we want to get out and enjoy it while we can. It's Michigan after all, and this great boating season doesn't last forever. Before you get out there, freshen up your knowledge of the "do's and don'ts" of boating. To make it easy for you, here are a few Michigan DNR links that tell you all you need to know to have a safe and fun summer on the water.


July 1997 the DNR made effective the rule that between the hours of  7:30 p.m. to 11:00 a.m. it is illegal on Hackert Lake to:
*Operate a vessel of high speed.
*Have in tow or shall otherwise assist in the propulsion of a person on water skis, water sled, kite, surfboard or other similar contrivance.

Boating Safety Links:



Make sure you know where your child is - especially when you're towing her behind a fast boat.